Gitflow notes

Guidelines for setting up and managing a repository with Gitflow:


Initialize repository with $ git flow init.

Keep default branch names. master for production releases, develop for development, feature/ for feature branches, bugfix/ for bugfix branches, release/ for release branches, hotfix/ for hotfix branches and support/ for support branches. Use v as the version tag prefix.

For this jekyll blog use branch names post/ for feature branches (to be used for posts) and publish/ for release branches (to be used for publishing). Do not include workspace settings files such as code-workspace in the repository but include sync scripts such as and

Keep a version string in a file thats included in the repository itself (usually in a header file).


Commit routine development commits to the develop branch.


Start and finish feature branches using the gitflow feature in gitkraken.


Start the release using the gitflow feature in gitkraken.

when prompted type in release version x.y.z (do not use prefixes) Use the version numbering scheme below. Prepare the release by committing any release specific changes to the release branch. The final commit in the release branch must be updating the version string to match the release version specified in the previous step. Finish release.

Fist commit in the development branch after a release should be incrementing the version string x.y.z+1 and re-append the -dev tag.

A typical release transaction should look like this:

Development commit ... Increment development version Merge branch 'release/0.1.0' Merge branch 'release/0.1.0' into develop Version bump Development commit ... Development commit ... Develop Main Release

version numbering scheme:

- develop - 0.0.1-dev
- release - 0.1.0
- develop - 0.1.1-dev
- develop - 0.1.2-dev
- develop - 0.1.3-dev
- release - 0.2.0
- develop - 0.2.1-dev
- develop - 0.2.2-dev
- develop - 0.2.3-dev

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